Woman holding reminder sticky note that says "Follow Up"

When you apply to jobs online, it can often feel as though your application disappeared into some digital no-man’s...


Find Your Niche: How to Come Out Ahead from a Layoff

Layoffs made headlines in early 2023. Host Lori Cole discusses how to handle a layoff on Find Your Niche: A Career...


Woman in behavioral interview

Learn what makes behavioral interviews different from other types of interviews, why employers use them, and what...


recently laid off employee contemplating her next move

Uncertain what to do after being laid off from work? Here are 9 steps to add to your lay off checklist to help you...


Find Your Niche: Get the Most Out of Performance Reviews

Career coach Lori Cole shares career advice to help you create a game plan to get through your performance reviews...


job search check list

iHire is excited to announce the addition of new job management tools to help our users maximize their time as they...


how ihire's resume writing services work hero image

iHire’s certified professional resume writers can help you shine. Learn more about our resume writing services...


Ask a Career Advisor how can I stay motivated in my job search

Could you use some job search motivation? Are you frustrated with job hunting? We asked iHire Career Advisor Lori...


Woman using social media

At this point it is common practice for hiring managers and recruiters to search the name of potential employees via...


Find Your Niche: Get a Pay Raise by Avoiding These 6 Behaviors

Asking for a raise is a stressful prospect for most workers. Career coach Lori Cole addresses the pitfalls to avoid...



Setting job search goals is important, but making them SMART will help you achieve them. Discover examples of SMART...


Uncertain economy graph

Is it ok to ask for a raise in a recession? Yes, but you need to be careful. Use these tips to negotiate your salary...


Career Clarity

Feeling unhappy at work or stuck in your career? Use this guide to learn how to get clarity in your career and find...


Find Your Niche Podcast: How to Win Jobs and Influence People

Find Your Niche host Lori Cole and guest Andres Lares share their job searching tips that will show you how to find...


Toxic work culture sign

The signs of a toxic work culture aren’t always obvious. Keep an eye out for these job posting red flags when...


4-day workweek

Shifting to a 4-day workweek can be challenging to get used to. Learn how to adapt to this change in your work...


Ask a Resume Writer: How Do I Tailor My Resume for Remote Work?

Learn how to update your resume for remote work with these remote job resume tips from a certified resume writer.


Find Your Niche: Overcoming Unconscious Bias

Everyone has some form of unconscious bias, which can be harmful in a work setting. This episode of Find Your Niche...


Candidate looking nervous in interview as hiring managers review her resume

Unsure how to cover resume gaps in employment? Check out our expert advice including employment gap explanation...


job search goals

Setting job search goals can help you find your next job faster. Get started with these 7 examples of smart goals...


Showing 161 to 180 of 658 results